hey family
the shift button on this keyboard is really stinky so sorry my punctuation is going to be really bad. so here i am in argentina. holy cow. i don´t even know where to begin.
well we got into buenos aires at about 8 in the morning. we got in a car totally just trusting this guy named alberto. we had no idea what was going on or what anyone was saying. we started driving into buenos aires. i guess the driver realized that we forgot our passports or something. so we turned around. anyway we couldn´t find our passports. so we ended up just pulling off the sides of the freeway and waiting for our passports. this wouldn´t have been scary except that the drivers here are NUTS! I really don´t think I can emphasize that enough. After we found our passports...which was scary just handing them off to people. My identy could´ve been gone. They drove us through Buenos Aires. We had no idea where we were or where we we going. Turns out they were dropping us off at the airport to fly to Salta... we were soooo tired, not to mention we already had culture shock. Well we almost missed our flight. Luckily nothing in Argentina is on time. Haha!
We flew into Salta... President Northcutt was there waiting for us. He is super nice, quiet and tough, but way nice. His wife is such a sweetheart.
The first thing he told us was, we´re going to take you to the mission office and you´ll be working in your area tonight. What the heck. I just got off like a 24 hour flight. I was tired. I´m sure I looked like it too. ´The office Elders gave us a little orientation. We said goodbye to my District. That was hard because I know I probably won´t see some of them again. They only let Hermanas serve in areas in Salta and Jujuy. All of the Elders went to Tucuman.
Anyway, I am serving right in downtown Salta right next to the mission office. Me and 3 other Hermanas live in a Pension right next to the office. Sister Amanda Jensen, who Aunt Mary Kay knows lives with me. My trainer is SIster Heather Olsen from Draper. She´s so great. She has two transfers left in the mission. She´s really positive and that´s good for me. She´s great.
The first night I got here, we taught two lessons. I realized really really quickly that I have no idea what anyone is saying. When I left the MTC, I had a pretty good grasp on what everyone is saying. The accent here is totally crazy though. I pick more and more up everyday. Now I can pretty much follow every gospel conversation.
The people here are really humble. The houses are maybe the size of our kitchen, dining, room, and living room. They pretty much have nothing but each other. It is pretty shocking for me to see. They are so happy though. It´s really crazy how faithful a lot of them are. They are willing to give up so much for the church.
The food here is really good. They eat a huge meal at Lunch time and then they don´t really eat the rest of the day. It´s killing me... I don´t like to stuff myself and then not eat the rest of the day. Everyone is right about the beef though! IT´s delicious.
It´s been pretty mild here as far as weather. It is sooooo humid. My hair freaks out.
We have a lot of really good investigators. We are working with a really great family right now. They love me for some reason. THey have like 6 kids. The kids are baptized except for 2 and the parents aren´t either. The parents aren´t married so we´re working on getting them married. The mom is so faithful. She has threatened to leave the dad if he doesn´t come around. They are such an awesome family. They gave me a purse yesterday and they´ve only known me a week. I´ve probably only spoken 10 words to them. Ahhh! It´s so frustrating not to be able to communicate...it´s even more frustrating when you get laughed at because your Spanish sounds so American. I bore my testimony in Church yesterday and the kids laughed at me. It was pretty hard.
We walk a ton. Yesterday we did doors all day. I can´t really help because I can´t really understand or speak, so I¨m basically a prop. We did pretty good though we have close to 15 investigators. So that´s exciting. We should have a baptism Saturday.
Everything is so much different though. I just wish I could carry a camera around with me and let you see everything that I see. I think you´d be shocked. I´ll try and take some pictures but I can´t carry around a camera because it´ll probably get stolen. Hopefully next week I´ll have some for you.
I´m getting eaten alive by mesquitos! Ahh!!
Good luck with the surgery Cam... I wish I were there to nurse you back to health. You can DearElder me. It takes about a week for me to get them. Will you send me some US stamps through the mail mom. It´s easier to send stuff back through the pouch system. Well there´s so much I want to tell you but I really don´t know how to explain it all... I´ll try and explain the cultural things a little at a time through emails. I hope your weeks all go really good. I love you.
Love, Hermana Wendy Evans